It was on the roof top of the theater under a starlit sky in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, that I knew I could begin again. He saved my life really, for I had spent too many years not being true to myself.
Somewhere along the line, I had begun trying to live up to the media image of myself – completely outgoing on stage, while hiding my fears from the public eye. Tink Robinson looked right past the facade and only saw the authentic me. I can remember thinking, ‘What an unusual and interesting name is Tink!” His parents were English, you see, and nicknamed him after a ‘tinker’ who sells pots and pans (as in tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor). Truly, I had never met anyone who was that multi-talented. His musicianship was astounding and he was a brilliant tap dancer with magic feet (in the Fred Astaire style).
We were both working at the Confederation Center of the Arts on the island. That was 1966 and we were married the next year. It was love at first sight, a recognition that we had known each other through millenniums. When I had the complete freedom to be me, I learned how to turn my insecurities into my strengths.
At the time, my career was on a roll. After graduating from the National Theater School, I played leading roles in major musicals across Canada, entertained in night clubs, sang and acted in many CBC TV specials and was featured on magazine covers. Then came the huge honor of being asked to be the special guest on the Danny Kaye show in Hollywood. The agency wanted me to move to the USA to act and sing on television and Broadway.
When I chose instead to return to Canada to accept a whole summers work in PEI, I did not know that my destiny was waiting. Meeting Tink was the turning point and I am forever grateful. We began working together then and have continued ever since, in theater, cruise ships, television, comedy, radio and conventions. We raised a son (who always had both parents with him) and were blessed with 4 pets (see last weeks blog, “Let Your Heart Sing”). After we spent 4 years entertaining at the Theater Royal in Historic Barkerville, BC, we were asked to write, produce, direct and perform at the Wild Horse Theater in Heritage Fort Steele, BC (1972-76 and 1982-89). In those years, we could work in theater and still have a normal family life which included hiking, water skiing, campfires and many other fun adventures.
Tink and I sing and laugh often and both of us have an ‘out-in-left-field’ sense of humor. We compliment each other perfectly and yet we are so very different – a Gemini and Libra. He’s a salt person, I’m a sugar one; he loves hot weather – I don’t do ‘hot’; he is hungry first thing in the morning – I’m not; Tink loves watching football and hockey, I love sitcoms and talent shows. We have laughed and cried together and spiritually, we are completely in tune. No matter what, we always champion each other. Now that I have an amazing relationship with myself, it makes my partnership with my wonderful husband all the more beautiful.
Tink has had a most interesting life. He has been a professional entertainer for 60 years. His career as a Director, Producer, Author, Choreographer, Singer, Dancer, Actor, Comedian, M.C. and Guest Speaker has included vaudeville, summer stock, nightclubs, radio, opera, live television, ballet companies, dealer’s shows, magic, satirical revues, T.V. commercials, recordings, film, kids’ shows, conventions and professional theater.
He has taught at universities, worked in advertising, sold cars, rugs and jewelry. He owned and operated an eighteen-wheeler, worked as a janitor, painter, carpenter and cab driver. He has sailed on a schooner in the Bahamas as well as the famous Bluenose, driven a four-horse hitch stagecoach, jumped horses, has driven sulkies and earned a gold shield for pistol shooting. Tink flew with the famed Royal Canadian Airforce Snowbirds with our son, Dan Robinson, and flew solo himself at age 62. He is an ordained New Thought Minister and a 32nd degree Mason and Shriner. He was also (wait-for-it) … the original A&W Root Bear!
Throughout our married life, Tink has written me beautiful poetry. The Presence was with my beloved husband when he wrote his poem called, “I AM Here”, one of my favorites, which is also the title of his book. He has agreed that I may share it with you here. This was Tink’s birthday present to me in October 1981.
I AM Here
As the ancient gnarled oak embraces the sky
And feels its leaves dropping to earth with a sigh
It’s not time for sorrow, the pattern is clear
Though the season has turned, I AM Here
As the geese heading south against the grey light
Their far-flung choruses echo in flight
The land in their absence will lack of their cheer
But will find it again, I AM Here
For I AM the sunshine and I AM the rain
I AM the mountains and I AM the plain
I AM the child you hold on your knee
And I AM the leaf he’s brought you to see
For I AM within you and I AM without
I AM your laughter and I AM your shout
I AM the You that has nothing to fear
Be still, and know, I AM Here
When Tink brings eternal wisdom through his writings, he guides me to remember ‘Home’. It is from this quiet place of Oneness, that I open to receive whatever I am called to express. Tink and I give each other presents all the time but the greatest are the gifts of the heart.
I wrote Tink a song called “My Only Love”. As you hear the lyrics and melody, may you love yourself first, knowing that as you stand in the center of your Truth, you will draw to you all that is beautiful and worthy of your best self – your I AM within, the You that is connected with All.
“My heart is in your keeping
Wake me up, tell me I’m not dreaming
In my life,
You’re my Only Love”
To listen to a clip of “My Only Love” – Click Here (Song #4) If you would like to download the whole song for 99 cents – Click Here
P.S. I would love you to visit my brand new From Spirit to Story to Song Website Home for more fun and inspirational stories.
While you are there, download my song and FREE Gift for you, “Give Yourself Love”.
I AM Here © Tink Robinson 2011
© Judy Armstrong 2013
{ 16 comments… read them below or add one }
Wow! Judy, how beautiful that you found that special someone at such a young age.
What a life you two have woven together over the years, supporting and nurturing each other’s careers, plus raising a child. All that, while being yourselves and encouraging the other to be themselves, staying course, and living life to the fullest. You are such great role models for so many people – thank you!
Thanks Elizabeth. I think of you often and know that you are shining your light wherever you are. How is the book coming? Sending hugs, Judy
I didn’t know that Tink is really his name. I thought it was a nick name. I’m so blessed to know both of you. I count both of you dear friends.
And we are blessed to know you too Carolyn! What fun we had in those Fort Steele days! Judy
Beautiful! Such a wonderful love story. Thanks for giving the rest of us hope.
How wonderful to hear from you Debbie. Thanks for reading the blog.
Beautiful Judy! What a wonderful love story.
Yes Charmaine, I am blessed and grateful every day. Sending HUGS back to you. Judy
Lovely blog…I truly enjoy them. So many snippets of your life…I do remember telling me about the Danny Kaye show….you and Tink are an inspiration to all of us.
Gay, it is knowing people like you that makes life worthwhile. Tink and I treasure your friendship!
What a wonderful blog and tribute to Tink and your lives together. You are both so amazing and inspiring! Love you both!
I just love that you read my blog Sharon. What a gift you are!
WOW! What a beautiful love story! Thank you both so much for sharing your hearts message. Your legacy of Love… is an inspiration to us all. Love and Big Hugs from my heart to yours…
It means so much to me Linda that you were moved by reading my blog. Thanks so much. Big love beaming back to you. Judy
What an awesome testament to discovering your I AM Presence and how finding the truth of your own love in the mirror of another just brings it all together and brings it Home. Much Love to You and TINK!
Hi Jerry, thanks so much for your heartfelt comment. Tink and I are beaming love back to you!